At the Museum

Monday, February 16, 2009 at 2:55 PM

At the Museum, originally uploaded by martasart.

This seated couple were very engaged in the Degas painting before them. I did this very, very fast and am now wondering if I should add watercolor to it or leave it as is. What do you think?


  1. Sandy Says:

    Hummm, I think it would be fun to compare with some color along side this post!! Very intriguing.

  2. Ai Says:

    I like it as it is Marta. It is very alluring.

  3. Joan Says:

    I like it as it is, but I'm always a sucker for color too!!!

  4. Neal Says:

    I like it as it is, always fun trying to catch things quickly in a sketch. I have been doing it a lot lately on the train, drawing the houses, villas and sheds as I pass. 10 seconds and their gone.

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