girl in turquoise

Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 6:03 PM

girl in turquoise, originally uploaded by martasart.

9x12 inch oil on hardboard prepared with pastel ground and toned with acrylic.


  1. Linda Says:

    Oh my goodness. This is really spectacular. Do you get richer color using the pastel ground?

  2. I'm really glad I had the sense to let go of oils. You do it so much better than I do! :)

  3. Joan Says:

    Your figures are really coming out nicely!!

  4. laura Says:

    This is really great--such an interesting and enigmatic division of the space, like a postimpressionist master!

  5. Beautiful piece with wonderful composition.
    Hope to see at the sketchcrawl on Sunday 5th

  6. Sharon Says:

    Wonderful composition and color.

  7. Ai Says:

    Marta, this is so superb. I love love this. Turquis is my favorite color and you got great composition in this. Who knows a woman can be this beautiful !!!

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