Beer Drinkers, master study after E. Manet

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 at 2:26 PM

All done!


  1. Shirley Says:

    Wonderful! What amazing things you are doing in your art classes.

  2. Linda Says:

    Ooooh! VERY nice!

  3. Good job, interesting that they would depict women drinking beer back then, I would love to know the story of this painting.

  4. Joan Says:

    All done and WELL DONE!!

  5. Sarah Says:

    Hi Marta,

    I know that this isn't exactly a comment, but I couldn't find your e-mail address, and I wanted to write and tell you about a new website for artists, musicians, fashion designers, and filmmakers: I've been using the site as an artist and have my work there, and am trying to support it because I believe in it. Basically, the site allows artists from all over the world to connect, display their portfolios, and sell their work (with NO commission taken!). The site gives artists a FREE gigabyte of space to showcase their portfolios, allows you to stream audio and video works, lets you create live personal broadcasts, and translates any writing into ten different languages. If you could take the time to visit the site, and if you like it too, let your readers know about it, and even sign up yourself or link to it on your site it would be greatly appreciated! We are trying to make a go of helping out artists everywhere and are trying to get the word out, so please help us out if you like the site after checking it out! Thank you!

    All the best,
    Sarah at

  6. Ai Says:

    Marta, this is gorgeous. I love the palette and the entertaining mood in this one. Great job.

  7. I, too, am a fan of Manet's. In fact, some children and I created a very rough facimile of a still life during a recent painting demonstration. Nice job here.

    Glad to hear that your eye is on the mend. Hope you will be painting again soon.

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