Working on pastel card from photo, computer screen and conte sketch. Reflected on the computer screen is the backyard swimming pool. With the temperature at 104f I am tempted to take a break and go for a swim!
Hijita de la Frutera study sketch
This little girl was playing shy. Her mother, the fruit vendor, had given her approval for me to snap a few photographs.
This will be the next in my series of Guatemalan paintings. Because of the angle of her face I wanted to sketch her out with conte on bristol board first.
La Niña del Lago Atitlán
Pastel on pastel card, approx. 9 x 11 inches
This little girl and her older sister were very gracious to let me take their photo, if I bought a trinket from them. It was worth it I think.
I do like this but I might have gone a bit heavy with the pastel application. My goal here was not to let the yellow scarf bounce off her face to much and make her sallow. She was quiet and sweet unlike her sister the business manager!
Santa Marta
pastel on Canson Mi Tienes
approx 17x23 inches
Final rendering of painting begun months ago. Going under glass today :)
El Bebé no.2
I"m thought I'd have another go at this. This is much smaller, aprox 9x10 inches, done on pastel card. I do like this surface much better. I might have to buy a large sheet! I do like this one better than the first but I'm still not satisfied with it. I think I need to move on for now.
El Bebé de Guatemala
I'm not as happy with this piece. I'm really searching for a support that will work for how I want to paint. This is on streatched wc paper with pastel ground toned with cad red. appr. size 15 x 17. Back to the drawing board!
La Abuela de Guatemala
This pastel painting was done on 300lb arches watercolor paper prepared with Golden acrylic pastel ground and toned with burnt sienna. A much rougher surface than the suede mat board. I really like the rough texture here. This piece is quite small (5 x 7 inches) as I was just 'experimenting' today. I have a large support already prepared for the next pastel painting.
Costurera de Guatemala

I attended Alicia Sotherland's pastel portrait workshop today in San Clemente, Ca.
I had a lot of fun and was grateful my friend Dianne attended also, for she drove and hauled supplies for me.
We worked with nu-pastels on suede matboard. Interesting. No preliminary sketch but began by putting in the background with a dark and finding our shapes. Alicia was a great teacher and I found myself really picking up some good tips. Alicia is a hands on teacher so she had a bit of a "hand" in this piece. This was from a photo from my trip to Guatemala in 2008
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Garden Tomatoes
Aidan and Adam helped me by picking some ripe tomatoes from the garden this morning. I grabbed my moleskine wc sketchbook and my new Daniel Smith Watercolor Sticks samples I ordered and gave them a try. I think I'm going to love them!!
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