La Niña del Lago Atitlán

Friday, August 21, 2009 at 7:48 PM

La Niña del Lago Atitlán, originally uploaded by martasart.

Pastel on pastel card, approx. 9 x 11 inches

This little girl and her older sister were very gracious to let me take their photo, if I bought a trinket from them. It was worth it I think.

I do like this but I might have gone a bit heavy with the pastel application. My goal here was not to let the yellow scarf bounce off her face to much and make her sallow. She was quiet and sweet unlike her sister the business manager!


  1. Joan Says:

    I love this series of portraits you're doing. They have such rich color to them. Your still life below this came out lovely!!!

  2. Ai Says:

    This is so sweet, Marta. I love her rosy cheeks. Welldone.

  3. Linda Says:

    Beautiful portrait work, Marta! She has such a sweet expression!

  4. Beautiful MArta, as is your previous still life...she DOES look sweet!

  5. What a wonderful expression - these portraits are really something, Marta. You should consider an an exhibition when you've got enough of them.

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