Not that I'm bragging.......

Friday, May 29, 2009 at 6:38 PM
But my friend Dianne (Desiree) came over this afternoon to visit over glasses of Sangria and to tell me all about her recent trip to Europe.  I've missed her the past few weeks and am so happy to have her back!  She came bearing gifts:  Macaroons from Paris as I requested (they were yummy!) and a surprise from Italy,  the new 8 1/2 x 12 inch watercolor moleskine!  I haven't seen this in the US yet!  Oh I'm just so excited about the possibilities!  I feel like I"m the first kid on the block to own one!!!!!  Thank you dear friend!!!


Wednesday, May 27, 2009 at 4:37 PM

Rose, originally uploaded by martasart.

22x22 inches watercolor and pastel on Killimanjaro 300lb cp paper from Cheap Joe's.

Another art class assignment done!

Santa Marta

Monday, May 25, 2009 at 1:11 PM
Santa Marta

"Ante tu altar me postro, gloriosa Santa Marta, para bendecir a Dios que se dignoó atesorar en tu alma gracías especíales."  Before your altar I kneel, glorious Saint Marta, to bless God who choose to bestow on your soul special graces.

This is the final project for the drawing class.  I missed a lot of class time and don't think I'll have time to finish all of it, but I did want to present a final project as it's worth two grades.  Again with the self portrait.  This semester I chose to do a self portrait with objects.  Those of you who know me well will 'get' all the objects I've included.  

It's in pastel on canson mi tienes, 17.5 x 23.5 inches.  Now, I'm going to spend the next hour cutting a mat for it!

a mARTa update

Friday, May 15, 2009 at 10:32 AM
On Monday May 10th I had an appointment at the Jules Stein Eye Institute of UCLA for a consult on controlling my persistent battle with congenital glaucoma.  I was there from 10am to 6pm for this first visit.  When all was done the specialist said, "We will be doing emergency surgery on Wednesday."  So on Tuesday I spent the day getting all the pre-op exams and tests done.  Along with all this I had a previously scheduled appointment with a gynecologist because of the persistent uterine bleeding I've been experiencing for a few months now, despite the use of hormones.  Well, that didn't go so well as she decided to do a biopsy then and there and send me next week for a trans pelvic ultrasound.  Back up, one step at a time, just breath.

On Wednesday I had my eye surgery and despite the anesthesiologist not being able to get me completely sedated, I was calm enough to stay awake through the surgery.  When I was done I was in pain and tiered.  Rudy checked us into the UCLA guest house where I spent the night. Yesterday morning the doctor checked me again and said I had done really well with the surgery.  The implant was doing its job and my pressure was way down.  Very good news!  

Yesterday evening was the opening reception for the student honors show at the college where I take my art classes.  One of my paintings, La Cinta Roja no. 2 was chosen for the show so I really wanted to go.  With Rudy on my arm, a pair of dark glasses and a codeine tablet on board; I went to the show.  I didn't stay long, but long enough to see my picture on the wall and chat with some friends.

Today I thought I might go to art class but I'm still sore and the light outside a bit too bright just yet.  So, for now, no new art work to show.  I wanted to share all this with you because I realize not all of you follow me on Facebook or  Twitter  (find me as marta gonzales or martasart).  Maybe you were wondering where I'd gone to?  

Beer Drinkers, master study after E. Manet

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 at 2:26 PM

All done!

mARTa with diamond earring

Friday, May 1, 2009 at 6:15 PM

mARTa with diamond earring, originally uploaded by martasart.

Today we were to do something experimental in figure painting class. I chose to do a self portrait using cray-pas oil pastels on Walis paper. I used the cray-pas to sketch out the portrait and used turpentine for blending and toning. I also used a little oil paint in areas like the shirt and the eyes. I loved the Walis paper. the oil pastel/paint lifted easily when dabbed with turpentine and lifted with a rag. I don't know how good the cray-pas oil pastels are, as far as artist quality, but this was lots of fun to do!

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