Work continues on Madras

Saturday, November 1, 2008 at 5:42 PM
Madras: WIP
I've been happily painting this week; working on the perspective exercise and starting the master study.  I haven't had much time for anything else, like studying my french lessons or blogging!  I am so in love with the oil painting!  I love it's texture; thick and rich or smooth and buttery.  I  love how I can manipulate it at my whim!  For the Madras painting I've chosen to lay it on thick with marked brush strokes.  I like how up close you can see the globs of paint but as I stand back from it, it looks smooth and glowing.  I do hope it turns out nice and I can hang her up in the house.  
Madras: WIP Madras: WIP Madras: WIP Madras: WIP


  1. Anonymous Says:

    It's looking great and I'm sure you'll be hanging it up when it's done : )

  2. Anita Davies Says:

    Looking awesome Marta...Gee you are busy lately!

  3. sandy Says:

    coming along great.

    My favorite is the post right below, I actually love this look...

  4. Linda Says:

    This is really wonderful! I love those colors!

  5. Ai Says:

    Beautiful glow Marta. I love your WIP. She is gorgeous... ready to be hang in my house too. ;-) I can tell that Oil is for you for sure.

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