The latest editions to my large watercolor moleskine sketchbook that I began this summer while on a road trip through the american southwest. We left Death Valley for a fall visit because we certainly didn't want to visit when it's 125F in the shade!
Oh, what a beautiful journal, Marta. That will be a precious document when its finished. The colors are gorgeous.
Marta - These are wonderful!! Excellent colors and lines in them. I especially love the one of the natural bridge!
I love these wee paintings and journal entries. I've been mostly painting, and have neglected my journaling. Your entries are inspiring!
Marta, these are really lovely. You have really captured the feel of the desert.
Your colors are wonderful, especially on that last one. I like the stamps too. I tried to get the lady at the post office to stamp my sketchbook after I drew the post office but she wouldn't. I guess parks are different. 125f in the shade? That's amazing!
Beautiful sketches MArta....I'm fascinated by those stamps, I can't make them out?
Beautiful artwork Marta and love you entries. Keep up the great work! If you have a chance check out my blogs. Robert
Wow you draw beautifully.
I would love your input on my blog.