self portrait at year's end 2008
I could have left in all the age lines, kept the cheeks droopy and left the glint out of my eyes and the smile off my face.. But what the heck!
Still Life Duo series no 1 (WIP)
I am joining my friend Casey on this exploration into still life composition with only 2 objects. With each successive painting you switch out one of the objects. So the next painting will have an orange and something else,
This is still a work in progress as I need it to dry a few days so I can brighten it up with some glazing!
Memories of my boy Brandon
This is a youtube video my friend Cori sent to me. Her son Brandon is part of the video.He was diagnosed with leukemia when he was just a year old. Brandon is doing well now...wonderful in fact. He's like 8 or 9 years old now! I had a hard time watching it. I saw my boy hurting, I recognized my hands and my stethoscopee in his little hands. I thought some of you might like to see what I used to do. I miss my pediatric nursing career but relish that there were wonderful outcomes like Brandon's.
Cori's note to me:
" Everyone who was involved in the video went to view it on Thurs night before it was posted and I just started to cry, it was really hard to see my baby like that. You know for 2 or 3 of those photo's you were there with me. The one with the wash rags on him, you were the one who gave him the medicine stuff that made him start to go into shock. I don't remember what it was, I wanna say it was gamma or something, I didnt write that down. I also don't remember why he was going to need it, but I remember there were possible problems to go along with it and they happened!
And the other picture with his lines being flushed, that was you flushing them. Yea, it brings so many memories back for me too. Very hard memories I don't like to remember, but also such wonderful memories. Like meeting you! "
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Conceptual Art

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Final Presentation Fall 2008
Yesterday was the end of term for the oil painting class and we had to present our semester work to the class. I really loved working in oils and feel like I'm just getting started!
Virgencita Azul
I began a new Moleskine on December 1, 2008 and have been sketching in simple holiday/Christmas images on odd days and a brief though on even days. Today I was sipping my coffee admiring the collection of angeles on my mantle and looked upon Mary and her babe. I bought this my first married Christmas. A simple madonna dressed in blue and yellow and made of paper maché.
Red Pitcher with Lemons
Okay, it's finally finished. The suggestions Dianne gave me about the green jar helped as did the ones from my professor regarding how to paint shiny bright objects. She said not to try to paint the shine but to look closely for the shapes and values, where hard and soft edges fall and to remember shiny objects tend to have more hard edges.
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oil painting
This is the still life I am working on in school. I'm almost done but will have to go in on my own to work on it because it's due next Wed. and I still have at least 2 more glazes to apply. I have a purple glass on the right and a turquoise one on the left that ned to be glazed in yet. And some minor adjustments to the ribbon and shadow areas

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oil painting,
Tough year, is it over yet?
Through my art I can loose myself, sometimes for hours and forget everything else that causes stress in my life. Through art I have made friends; at my community college art classes, at the art museum and my special online friends. My online friends are never far from reach, a blog comment to boost my confidence, an email to tell me I'm thought of, a phone call across the 'pond' when things have been bad and face to face meetings which begin and end with embracess. Yes, art and what if has brought to my life is my lifeline.
Now, I guess I really should begin thinking of Christmas and the tamale preparations!

This is a 16x20 inch oil on canvas. We are working on glazing techniques at school so I thought I'd try my own at home. This took over a week to finish because you have to wait for the glaze layer to dry before adding another layer. I think I was most succesful with the pitcher

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oil painting,
still life,
A Strand of Lights
This is what art looks like when tormented by 3 days of a migraine. But I wanted to start off December in a better mood than I have been in lately so I did this quickly this evening. The bright colors and studio light make me feel ill so now I'm going to go shut off the world for the night.
Study of: Mujer con tocado azul-marino
Woman with navy blue headdress
pastel on pastel paper approx 7.5x7 inches
So. Cal is on fire again!
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major event,
My old girl
Dottie and I are both getting old. She is back to being an indoor dog for the winter. I worry about her old bones and since she is now on medication for arthritis; cuddled up at my feet is good for the two of us.
5.5x 7.5 inches
gouache on 140lb cp watercolor paper
I have a collection of sewing machine (over 12). This one belonged to my sister-in-law when she was a little girl. My Amy played with this also when it was handed down to her. It now sits on a shelf in the studio.
La Manzanera
11x14 inch arches cold press watercolor block.
This is a study for an oil painting I'd like to do of this Guatemalan apple lady.
La Manzanera
vine charcoal in Raffine sketchbook. Study for a future painting.
Image from a photo from my trip to Guatemala
George Washington
after 1845 painting by Henry Brintnell Bounetheau
"Americans like any other people inscribe their histories, beliefs, attitudes, desires and dreams in the images they make."
Robert Hughes, Art Critic
Anza Borrego Mountain Top View

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oil painting
Madras: master study by m.gonzales 2008
Completed master study of Madame Matisse by Henri Matisse 1907.
oil on canvas 31x 40 inches
I felt an intimacy with this painting. I can't express how much elation I felt as I painted her. I left her eyes and lips for the end; and then when I added them she came alive for me. I haven't felt this way before about a painting. I can't wait to begin a new painting with my own subject.
Behold, she holds court in my little studio.
She will be placed in the truck in the next hour and off to the college for tomorrow's critic.
Which Way is Up?
Perspective painting assignment. Our objective was to paint the shapes using value, hue, and intensity to make the space believable. We were to be in control at all times. I think I learned what I was supposed to here. I'm calling this done other than I still want to paint in a string or line holding up the yellow box flap.
Sangria break in Paaadena
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Work continues on Madras

I've been happily painting this week; working on the perspective exercise and starting the master study. I haven't had much time for anything else, like studying my french lessons or blogging! I am so in love with the oil painting! I love it's texture; thick and rich or smooth and buttery. I love how I can manipulate it at my whim! For the Madras painting I've chosen to lay it on thick with marked brush strokes. I like how up close you can see the globs of paint but as I stand back from it, it looks smooth and glowing. I do hope it turns out nice and I can hang her up in the house.

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oil painting
Madras Oil painting: WIP
I don't know if Matisse put down an undertone first but the painting feels so warm to me that I mixed burnt sienna and yellow ochre to lay in this undertone.
After it dried for a week I sketched in the figure with vine charcoal and then lightly misted it with water to set the charcoal. I'm ready now to mix up paint and go at it!
did some rearranging in the studio today to give me a more efficient work space. Once I begin painting I'll have to see if this set up works for me. I haven't bought an easel yet but my friend Dianne lent me hers.
Perspective Oil Painting: WIP
Oil on canvas; 24x30 inches
Still have several hours of work left on this but it can wait till Monday.
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oil painting
Perspectve painting: blocking in color
Sent from me and my cool iPhone
Searching for seashells and mica
We were off-roading through Split Mountain and Elephant Knees. Here is where we stopped to take some pictures and we all got involved in finding pieces of mica and fossilized seashells. Craig is on the left and Rudy on the right.
Anza Borrego SP campground
Looking south across the desert at sunset.
Watercolor in Raffine sketchbook
Finding myself at the center of things, as usual
Sent from me and my cool iPhone
The middle of nowhere
Sent from me and my cool iPhone
Madras study done on scribbler on iphone
I am doing several studies of Madras by Matisse in order to get 'familiar' with her before I attempt my actual size reproduction of her in oil for my master study assignment.
madras wc study
A quick sketch done in Raffine Sketchbook 9x12 inch.
madre y su hijito study 2
enlarged image printed onto ink jet transparency film then transfered to Guatemala sketchbook with acrylic matte medium. When dry colored in with layers of color pencils.
Madre con su Hijito.
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inktense wc pencil,
Life gets busy...

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oil painting,
other artist,
pigma pen,
perspective sketch
I have two new assignments in my oil painting class. One is to do a painting based on geometric shapes using one and two point perspective. This was challenging for me to draw out. I still have to get the sketch approved before I can start to add color. Minimum size is 18x24
Le Weekend!
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thoughts Guatemala
Terra Cotta Warrior
A real man dressed as a warrior. Freaked me out when he began to move and dance!
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fountain pen,
Terra Cotta Warrior
A Warrior
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fountain pen,