Friday, March 30, 2007
3:08 PM
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It's not the flamingos that are wobbly, it's me! I have a horrid spring cold. Hoping to feel better I took a few puffs from an inhaler the doctor gave me a few months back. Whoa!!!!!!!!!! I was sitting at the easel working on this painting and felt the wobblies kick in. I looked at my hand and saw it trembling, my heart began to race, but I continued on. LOL. I think maybe the shakiness helped the painting somewhat. This is from a photo I took from the day at the Wild Animal Park north of San Diego. I'm liking how it's coming out.
Yesterday was a good art day. Dianne and I went to the studio class and then poked our noses in a printing workshop where we got a mini lesson on the process. Looked like lots of fun. We might look into the next one in the fall. __________________
I also played around this afternoon with Virtual Pose 2. Another artist, Casey recommended it and since I lack volunteers to pose au natural; this is a pretty cool program. You can pick a model, pose and rotate to your liking, then sketch away. My only disappointment is that the image on the screen is rather small. I think you can print out the images but I haven't figured that out yet. 
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Monday, March 26, 2007
5:22 PM
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OK, so what do you do when you are in an art funk? You go get a crayon fix! I went out and bought the biggest box of Crayola Crayons I could find. Then I realized that it was perfect for this week's EDM Challenge #112: Draw something fresh. There is nothing, absolutely nothing that compares to the smell of a freshly opened box of crayons! I am coming out of my funk!
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I am in a funk. My bowl for the EDM #111 turned out really awful, so I did it again...awful number two. Then since I was on a roll I began the full sheet double portrait of my nieces. I figured it was ruined by last night but I went back into it this afternoon and finished ruining it. You can take a look at
Studio Work (this is for Aaron) . Since I haven't received my art supply order from ASW or Cheap Joe's I don't have anymore full sheets of wc paper. This is a good thing, a very good thing because otherwise I'd be ruining yet another sheet of paper!
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007
11:39 AM
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007
8:22 PM
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Well, not really. This is what filled my moleskein wc sketchbook this week. I had a wonderful afternoon at the day spa of our local landmark, The Mission Inn in Riverside, California last Thursday before heading to the figure drawing session at the museum. On Sunday Rudy and I met up with our girl Amy and her new beau at the Wild Animal Park just north of San Diego, CA. It was really my first time at drawing animals. I was so happy the Calif. Condor sat so still! I have really bad eyesight and even though just a few feet away, I had a hard time capturing the details and so had to rely on my photos to finish up the sketches at home. Now....what adventure does this week hold for me?
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Saturday, March 17, 2007
9:08 AM
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I pondered all week: draw a candle, a fireplace, a brush fire or perhaps a lit match and then I recalled being about 3 years old and standing in front of the stove watching the flame from my grandmother's stove as it heated a pot of coffee. I remember her bustling around in the kitchen preparing the cups and saucers while her friends waited in the living room all the while warning me not to get too close to the stove as I stood there mesmerized. I didn't get close but when she had the cups on the table filled with hot coffee I pulled myself up to see the contents and spilled one on me. Oh I remember that hot liquid on me but fortunately it hit my clothes and she quickly yanked them off of me! I call it Self portrait or draw a flame because aside from the story, that's my reflection smack in the middle of this little sketch as I sat in front of the stove this morning waiting for the pot to boil.
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Friday, March 16, 2007
8:45 AM
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figure drawing
Monday, March 12, 2007
10:47 AM
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Sunday, March 11, 2007
5:35 PM
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We lost an hour of sleep today. I got so confused with the time change that I was up at 4:40am when I really could have slept another hour. I went to work but I wasn't needed so I got to come home. I came back to bed at 8am and slept till past noon. I must have needed the rest.
I spent the afternoon lounging by the pool and soaking in the spa. The day is hot over 90 degrees Fahrenheit. A heat wave and winter isn't over yet! About 20 miles away the hills are on fire. Much too early in the year to start worrying about brush fires. I fit in some sketching time this afternoon enjoying the extra hours of sunlight that are now here till we change the clocks again next fall.
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Thursday, March 8, 2007
5:00 PM
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was deep today. My friend Dianne went with me and signed up for a few sessions. Dianne is an accomplished artist whether she is working in paint, fabric or
playdough. The discussion of what we are trying to say as artist was somewhat intense, thought provoking. I am still trying to filter through what I should be thinking or feeling. I still like the idea of I'm just having fun with it!"
We have a homework assignment....we'll see...
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have to have hard cold seats? How come I need to have a reason to eat pomegranates in the bath tub? Why do I need to make a statement when all I want is to paint a chair? Why shouldn't I call myself an artist if I BELIEVE I AM? How come when I crave a bowl of Cherrios there is no milk? If I say something is so, isn't it? Why should I paint a landscape when I can only see 50 yards in front of me? Why should I stop at one glass of wine when there is no one around to share a bottle? And how come wonderful art is wonderful just because it's wonderful?
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still life,
Sunday, March 4, 2007
6:05 PM
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This is one I am proud of. Did I do this? I hope Sam's mama likes it as much as I do. I just couldn't let this one go....I wanted it to be right and spent the afternoon just letting the watercolor lead me into the painting process. I think the "it's just paper" and "don't make it such a big deal" has worked here....aside from being a loose control..always in control! LOL
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Saturday, March 3, 2007
2:27 PM
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I finished this first portrait of Sam (I think is his name) but I am not very happy
with it and since his mother is paying me to do this, I want both of us to be happy with it, so I am going to do it again. I think it's the background that bothers me as do the over worked areas around the ears and eyes. My favorite part is the sleeve of his shirt! I just want it to look "fresher" and not so pained. But it is a good study and I learned from doing it. I 'm excited about starting a new one. The reference photo and preliminary sketches can be viewed on the Post from February 20, 2007.
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Thursday, March 1, 2007
5:27 PM
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it didn't quite turn out how I imagined. But it's a light bulb and here it is.I was going to go to the wc studio class today but got so involved in catching up with housework that I didn't prepare for class so instead I headed out the door to Target and the grocery store. Came home, poured myself a glass of wine and did EDM #108: Draw a light bulb
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