Perspective Oil Painting: WIP

Wednesday, October 29, 2008 at 9:58 PM

Perspective Oil Painting: WIP, originally uploaded by mmvgonzales.

Oil on canvas; 24x30 inches

Still have several hours of work left on this but it can wait till Monday.


  1. Wow, this is amazing, and huge!

  2. Ai Says:

    This is so awesome Marta. You nail it both for the two-point perspective and the vibrant color. Bravo.


  3. sandy Says:

    WOW!!! This is great and I like how colorful it is. What size is it?

  4. Serena Lewis Says:

    WOW! This is awesome!

  5. Linda Says:

    Oh oh oh! I LOVE this! What fantasic color and shape. And it is so BIG. Wow!

  6. I'll add my WOW to the others, Marta - this is wonderful. I think you have lucked upon a wonderful class and that oils are going to play a huge part in your future art.

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