perspective sketch

Monday, October 13, 2008 at 8:33 PM

perspective sketch, originally uploaded by mmvgonzales.

I have two new assignments in my oil painting class. One is to do a painting based on geometric shapes using one and two point perspective. This was challenging for me to draw out. I still have to get the sketch approved before I can start to add color. Minimum size is 18x24


  1. Ok, I will approve it, looks good, add some paint! Wow, it kinda reminds me of a Costco trip!

  2. Linda Says:

    I love this! How interesting ... trying to imagine how it will look with color!!!

  3. Sandy Says:

    Great perspective exercise here, I approve too and can't wait to see what color does here.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    wonderful job!!! i break out in sweat when i see one of these coz i find them impossible to do. Thanks for sharing, i'm adding them to my list.

  5. sandy Says:

    Very nice sketch. Makes me want to practice on perspectives...

  6. Anonymous Says:

    This is going to be a really cool painting! Can't wait to see how it turns out. I love your new blog format with the notebook paper. It's perfect for your wonderful sketches and photos from your world.

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