Monday, February 26, 2007
12:49 PM
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I have a blood orange tree in my yard which produces luscious fruit. When ripe the rinds are deep orange red and the pulp the color of dark red blood. The juice is not as sweet as our California Navel oranges but sweet enough to eat and great for juicing. Rudy has finished picking the last of the oranges and before he juices them I wanted to do a quick painting....trying out my new "loose woman" philosophy. So I just played and approached this somewhat distracted by the pretty view out the window and my plans for a lazy day. So much so I stuck my brush into my coffee while working at the kitchen table!
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still life,
Thursday, February 22, 2007
8:45 PM
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I went to my wc class today and showed the teacher some of my work. She was quite honest with her comments. She felt I am working too hard and I seem to be afraid to just let go. She said, "it's just paper." So she had me work the Chinese Garden again and i just let loose. I like it better without the ink and looser brush strokes. (See the post from Feb 18, 2007 to see the newer version). She said I need to do it again. I think I will and go bigger and will post when done.She really liked the portraits I showed her that I did years ago of my nieces. She said my work then was much looser. She said that feeling is what I should
strive for. Portraits are my favorite subject and I was pleased she liked them.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
7:37 PM
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Diane and I among the catcti at Elin's.
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My new friend Diane and I recently joined PAAR; Plein Air Artists of Riverside. Today we went to our first "paint-out" at one of the member's home, Elin Pendleton She has this great place at the outer edges of our city right smack at the base of the foothills. She's got a horse, a goat, a cool studio and fantastic views all around. The day was sunny and warm so I picked a shady place to sit while I did this 5x7 watercolor. The shadows moved and I must have blinked and missed them!! But I had fun and enjoyed getting to know Diane as we commuted to Elin's. We decided this was lots of fun and plan on going out again to paint.
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Tuesday, February 20, 2007
5:44 PM
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Sunday, February 18, 2007
8:06 PM
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Friday, February 16, 2007
9:10 PM
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This has been a long day. We are really short staffed at work this week so I offered to come in and work 6 hours this morning before running out to a hair appointment. The grey roots needed to go before tomorrow's date with DH to see Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfe? at the Ahmanson in Los Angeles.
Then this evening I had my nieces, her friend and their little ones over for a tea party. We drank herbal tea, some lemonade and ate brownies and cookies. Baby Aidan had a bottle and was well behaved (for a boy at a tea party). This is a watercolor I did just after Christmas of him from some photos I took. I really missed the highlights in the eyes and his lips too bright, but the likeness is definitely there. I might try this one again with a looser approach. I just love my little Aidan!
So, now the long day is done and I'm ready for a fun weekend. I will try to find time to sketch as the weather is warm, sunny and just lovely for being outdoors.
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
10:16 PM
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No sour lemons for me for EDM challenge #106: draw something sour or tart. The kids at work today were exchanging cards and candy and I came home with my own bag of goodies!
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007
7:11 PM
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Last Friday I drove home from the beach at 5am to be at work by 7am to work a 12 hour shift. I worked the next two days as well. I barely have time to take a break let alone draw; yet I carry my sketchbook to work with me, just in case.
I have had two days off but spent yesterday rejuvenating myself. Today I seem to have it together and wanted to continue with the EDM challenges since I'm about 100+ behind!
I have been wanting to pull out the old Singer Featherweight and maybe have my dear one oil it for me. I haven't made a quilt in over 5 years and I'm thinking it might be time to caress fabric once again. I'm off to work the next two days....yes, long hard hours but I'll have pen and paper at hand....just in case.
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Friday, February 9, 2007
8:56 PM
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I was looking forward to this week's drawing challenge from Wet Canvas. I spent more time on it than I thought I would but was very happy with the result.
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I spent a few days in San Clemente, California at the beach. It was cool and foggy but perfect for relaxing and catching up on some projects. I went to one of my favorite boutiques and found a beautiful box of wonderfully scented soaps from Paris. I couldn't resist as well as perfect for the Everyday Matters Challenge #101.
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Sunday, February 4, 2007
5:00 PM
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I don't know why this Christmas cactus begins to bloom weeks after Christmas is over. I am actually amazed that it has already survived several Christmas' (houseplants usually die on me).
I signed up for an open studio class at our local art museum. Because of work commitments I can only attend a couple times a month. On my first session the instructor gave me the syllabus and a materials list. She wants us to use a limited palate and so in doing this little sketch (in my new moleskein sketchbook) I used only those colors.
I guess I should go downstairs now and hang out with the old guy who's watching the Superbowl alone :(
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still life,

I drove south on Friday to spend some time with my Amy in San Diego. We arose on Saturday to a beautiful day and decided to take a hike searching for waterfalls. We drove east on interstate 8 to Sunrise Hwy for a hike to Cottonwood Creek Falls. It was a relatively short hike but a long climb down and worse getting back up to the road. We enjoyed the morning and I had a chance to do a quick wc sketch while she skipped stones in the creek. Although we've had such a dry year, the water was flowing and the falls cascading.
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