Where in the world is Marta?

Friday, February 1, 2008 at 12:50 PM

Where in the world is Marta?, originally uploaded by mmvgonzales.

Sent from me and my cool iPhone


  1. Sandy Says:

    Obviously Marta is feeling no pain wherever she is :-) And I bet it is warm and sunny and no snow to be found?!? Ok have one for me too !

  2. Marta is playing hooky with ____, I won't tell.

  3. Anita Davies Says:

    I don't care where she is...I wanna be there!

  4. Quilt knit Says:

    Well! Marta is an iPerson now. Can never be found.
    iPersons have all the fun. Yummy! what kind of iDrink is that? So iTasty.


  5. sandy Says:

    Marta looks to me like she is lunching at Los Campanos on that wonderfully beautiful patio...and if so, I am jealous!


  6. sandy Says:

    p.s. on second viewing, the table doesn't look like the ones there.

    possibly you are at someone's kitchen table or counter.

  7. Linda Says:

    I'm just rolling laughing over the whole iPerson comment by Sherrie!!! You do look like you're having fun.
    iWonder where marta iS?

  8. donde estés Marta, no la estás pasando mal seguro. parece un restaurant (asoma el menú a la derecha??) mmm, Mexico? Tomando una maragrita o como sea el nombre del trago, jajaja. Disfrutá mucho!!! Besos

  9. Anonymous Says:

    I also want to be where she is...every time she posts a sunny pic like this, I have the desire to be out somewhere!

  10. Just as I suspected......

  11. Sharon Says:

    That drink just looks so darn good...

  12. quirkyartist Says:

    Yummmmmmmm !!

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