It's Sunday Morning

Sunday, January 18, 2009 at 9:42 AM
It's Sunday morning and I'm in one of my funky moods. I have things I want to do today but think I overslept and just shlepping in my bathrobe sipping java is all I really feel up to. I really do hate when I get in this state of being.

I had planned on the yoga class at the gym this morning...but naked with just a bathrobe on isn't going to get me anywhere. Last night I prepared blood oranges so that after I got back from yoga I could make up a batch of marmalade. Well, that can't be put off so after a shower (oh wow, I am planning a shower too!) I have to make that my goal for mid morning. I have a canvas staring at me; ready to go for the 3rd in the Still Life Duo series. Perhaps, maybe.

And so it, I really shouldn't just go back to bed.


  1. Joan Says:

    No, don't go back to bed... The day is waiting for you!! I hope you don't mind but I listed you in the "links" on my blog. It makes it much easier to get back to the blogs I want to check often. See ya soon!

  2. I listed you too! I was going to say that sometimes you have to lie down so that you can JUMP UP AND GET TO WORK! I've got my computer eye on you too! Have a better day!

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