Martin Luther King

Tuesday, January 20, 2009 at 7:41 PM

Martin Luther King, originally uploaded by martasart.

I know it's President Obama's day; but my thoughts would wander to Dr. Martin Luther King. You see, I'm old enough to remember the 60s.


  1. Joan Says:

    I remember the 60s too! Nice sketch of MLK. I thought about him a lot yesterday too!

  2. Ai Says:

    Great sketch of him Marta. Happy Birthday to you Marta. I just learn from Desiree that we share the same birthday (Jan 21?)... only a few years apart.

  3. I'm sure lots of us thought of King. Your simple sketch is effective, and a good tribute.

  4. Quilt knit Says:

    Hi! Marta! Not only do I remember the 60's, I lived in the city of Memphis. When it was realized that MLK was coming to lead a march. We all knew, there would be an attempt on His live. Everyone hoped that His body guards would make sure He was kept out of harms way.
    We could not believe He was allowed out on the balcony in full view.

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