Still Life Duo no. 3

Thursday, January 29, 2009 at 4:30 PM

Still Life Duo no. 3, originally uploaded by martasart.

Oil on canvas, 9 x 12 inches. Red vase with cobalt voltive.


  1. Anita Davies Says:

    What an unusual vase marta...Gorgeous colours here.

  2. How beautifully that red sings, Marta. Just as well because now you get to paint that vase again ;) Very effective composition. Brava!

  3. wow, they sure look great Marta. i love to see your progress. Hugs and besos. Martín.

  4. Joan Says:

    Wow!!! I like the way this looks! Great job!!

  5. Hey is the drape the third item? I think your cheating

  6. Hey is the drape the third item? I think your cheating

  7. This is looking great, Marta! I love the colors you've chosen.

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