Still Life Duo no.3 WIP

Friday, January 23, 2009 at 3:18 PM

Still Life Duo no.3 WIP, originally uploaded by martasart.

Third in the series of Still Life Duos. I have blocked in the canvas with color. Now it will wait for a few days to dry before I begin any detailing and laying on of glazes on the red vase and cobalt voltive.


  1. That vase is already leaping right off the canvas, Marta!

  2. laura Says:

    I love the red reflections in the bottom of the glass!
    Also wanted to say how much I enjoyed your "Everyday in December" book--great idea, delightful sketches, and text that evokes the pleasure in simple, everyday things!

  3. Joan Says:

    Good start on this! I'll be back...

  4. It looks really great, can't wait to see more! I am on to number 3, trying to settle in on my object.

  5. Mim Says:

    I haven't commented on your blog in a long time, but just wanted to say how much I love your paintings and drawings - and your talent with the iPhone!!

  6. Wow - you are steaming ahead with this! I've been trying my hand at oils and so far the results are not postable.

  7. Linda Says:

    I think this is the neatest project. How fun!

    And did you ever get to Chinatown, or is that this upcoming weekend?

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