Hiked up the volcano, now I come home

Sunday, September 28, 2008 at 2:00 PM

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Antigua, Guatemala

Saturday, September 27, 2008 at 4:44 PM

Antigua, Guatemala, originally uploaded by mmvgonzales.

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high in the mountains of guatemala

Thursday, September 25, 2008 at 7:20 AM
excuse any typos due to foreign keyboard.
we are in San marcos in no. guat. lots of people waiting tobe seen. very busy every day but just when i think i can´t do this another minute a new burts of energy spurts forth. one of the dentist a 26 y-o girl has gotten very sick and worried us last night. but she is better today. last night while i held her head over a bowl and she cried for her mama i cried too. But a smile today means we are on the mend. my stomach must be made of steel as i feel fine other than i have been a bit backed up but much better today. some food not so great but other stuff...wow wonderful! ç

i actually have gotten a sketch in daily but only was able to watercolor the first one. we are just working too hard to have time for anything else.

this has been a very rewarding experience and i have met some great people. those that are working alsong side of me and people i´ve come accross. yestereday a woman was embroidering outside waiting tobe seen...i went and admired her work and talked for a bit. she let me take her picture and then asked if i could take her home with me. she laughed when i told heer she didn´t fit inmy suitcase!!!! the smiles, sometimes toothless, will last forever in my heart and mind.

well, sorry can´t post any photos as i am in a computer lab on the military campus we are at, using the kids pcs. we have been escorted by the military throught this trip...wait till you see the picture of me with all the guys and machine guns! and i also jumped in a pool one night and then all the ´guys´jumped in too!! memories that will last forever!

well, i better go open the pharmacy for the day. i have about 6 teenage girls from the academy here...all medical students ...helping me.....they are fun and have a million questions. i might have been lax in judgement giving them my email addy....hahahah.... might be my last post till i get home.......contiue to pray and wish us welll.......marta in guatemala

So tiered, and very us! I am one of the pharmacists on this trip. Me passing out drugs. Good job for a blind woman!

Sunday, September 21, 2008 at 7:00 AM
So tiered, and very us! I am one of the pharmacists on this trip. Me
passing out drugs. Good job for a blind woman!

Kids are great. Feels good to be here

Got to go!

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Draw me a giraffe

at 6:27 AM

Draw me a giraffe, originally uploaded by mmvgonzales.

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The bus

Saturday, September 20, 2008 at 6:59 AM

The bus, originally uploaded by mmvgonzales.

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A quick hello. I'm in Antigia Guatemala for next two nights. Got a chance to sketch and paint today.

Friday, September 19, 2008 at 9:20 PM
A quick hello. I'm in Antigia Guatemala for next two nights. Got a
chance to sketch and paint today.
Military guards with machine guns accompany us. They are really nice
guys. I've already met some great people in this group.
Will try to post a photo Tommorow

Lots of rain, glad I came prepared. Hasta mañana! Marta

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In just a few hours........

Thursday, September 18, 2008 at 6:45 PM

I board a plane headed to Guatemala City, Guatemala.  I am joining my friend Dr. DeLaCruz (Karen) and a group of about 35 on a humanitarian/medical mission.  I will be gone for 10 days to several areas of Guatemala.  I had my typhoid and Hepatitis vaccines taken care of a few weeks ago, personal medications to cover me in case of illness and travel insurance to get me home if need be.  But of course, that is all just common sense preparation.    

My belongings are split between my carryon backpack and my everyday backpack with my little day pack stuffed inside.  It will be a long night with checking in at LAX of personal and medical supplies.  Then I'm hoping to get some sleep on route.  We arrive about 8am tomorrow and will have a quiet day waiting for the rest of group  (flying in from Miami).  Then it's work for the next 9 days!  Karen did say she's arranged 2 days of sightseeing to give everyone a break midweek.  

I am not sure of internet access so I might not be posting till I get back.  I'm hoping to at least be able to text message to home and family.  Oil painting and French class will have to be on hold for a few days but have everything I need to capture memories and images.
Keep me and the others in your thoughts and prayer while on this adventure.  Adios, marta

inside title page

map of Guatemala

In 3 days.........

Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at 10:23 AM

Packing, originally uploaded by mmvgonzales.

I will be taking a 1am flight and arriving at my destination around 8am. I am all packed now and ready to go. I've had all my vaccines, documents ready, and just need to go purchase travel insurance today in case of medical emergency. I have everything packed in my carryon backpack and will also take my small backpack with my little art day pack stuffed inside it along with what I need on the plane.
I haven't forgotten to bring along insect repellant, medications in case of diarrhea or infection and femine hygine supplies which unfortunately I still need!
For the little time I will have to be creative i have brought along my art supplies and a small camera with video capabilities. Most of my time will be spent with doctors and other nurses working with families and children.
I am both excited and a bit apprehensive about this trip. But mostly, excited!!!

If you click on the photo it will take you to Flickr and you can see all the notes I've attached to this photo about what exactly goes inside my backpack!


Monday, September 15, 2008 at 7:46 AM

Java, originally uploaded by mmvgonzales.

A busy week begins. I am getting ready for school today and then have lots of last minute errands before my adventure this Thursday. But, never, does a day start without a cup of java.

Color Charts in Oil

Sunday, September 14, 2008 at 6:43 PM

Color Charts in Oil, originally uploaded by mmvgonzales.

Almost done. I need to add a color wheel and some labels before turning it in.
What I learned: 1) Although the oil handles differently than watercolors, the mixing of hues was predictable with my knowledge of watercolor hues and properties. 2) Good ventilation and frequent breaks a must! 3) That I'm going to love painting in oils!

Making a Glass Palette

Friday, September 12, 2008 at 8:48 PM

I put this little movie together to demonstrate how I made my new palette for my adventure into oil painting.  This is a brand new exploration for me and I'd like to take you along if you care to come along.

Starting the Oil Paint Color Charts

Thursday, September 11, 2008 at 4:28 PM

On Wednesday we began our color charts. Mine are GIGANTIC but my instructor is cool with that. What good will they do if I can't see them? I had some stumbling blocks:
Glass pallet I bought is not big enough so today I went to the glass shop to have them cut new sheets of glass for me.
Paint thinner the instructor had must have been tainted because it was this awful gunkey stuff. I told her I thought oil painting was supposed to be a sensual experience and this thick ugly paint thinner just wasn't doing it for me. Today I bought my own new can of mineral spirits.
How to carry my canvas home? Carefully! Tomorrow a trip to Sterling Art for wet canvas carrier clips or order them online.
Carrying all these supplies to and from home/car/parking lot. Get out the craft tote hiding in the closet and use it instead of my back next week!

I am learning so much and asking a million questions and I have barely touched paint to canvas!

In 10 days.........

Tuesday, September 9, 2008 at 4:22 PM

In 10 days........., originally uploaded by mmvgonzales.

This is a small day pack for my next adventure I need to keep my hands free but still want to have my 'tools' with me. This small bag will hold all you see here!!!

Detailed descriptions via flickr notes if you click on photo.

Oil Painting Supplies

Monday, September 8, 2008 at 7:50 PM

Oil Painting Supplies, originally uploaded by mmvgonzales.

arrived today!!!!!
I have begun my new oil painting class and am so excited to get started! When my supplies arrived this evening via UPS I couldn't wait to tear open the boxes. I asked my Aaron to just grab a razor blade to slice open the seals. Well, he did more than that. He opened, found the packing list and proceeded to take each item out one by one and check them off. I was reaching in to open a box of tube paints and he said, "woa mom, I'm doing this." LOL! But I wasn't too let down by not getting to tear into everything and thought it sweet that he was enjoying checking out all the new stuff (even if he didn't have a clue as to what gesso is and what its used for).
My dilemma now is that I want to begin my first assignment: color charts, but if I start them at home, how do I get them to school without smearing the whole thing????? I hadn't thought of that!!! Any susgestions?

La Quinta Resort

Friday, September 5, 2008 at 7:48 PM

La Quinta Resort, originally uploaded by mmvgonzales.

Oasis in the desert

at 12:08 PM

Oasis in the desert, originally uploaded by mmvgonzales.

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Self portrait in coffee pot

Thursday, September 4, 2008 at 5:54 PM

Self portrait in coffee pot, originally uploaded by mmvgonzales.

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It's 110. Degrees in the shade so that is why the day spa at the La Quinta Resort is void of people eccept for one crazy woman in a back malliot and h

at 2:11 PM
It's 110. Degrees in the shade so that is why the day spa at the La
Quinta Resort is void of people eccept for one crazy woman in a back
malliot and her Tilley hat. Oh, that's me!
Rudy is here on a gold tournament and I tagged along. I've had a nice
pedicure, lunch and will finish off the afternoon with a 'celestial'
shower outdoors. No cameras please!

I know I should be painting this fountain, but it's more fun to wade
in it.

Okay, time to go dip again.

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No,I have not gone on my adventur yet

at 2:04 PM

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in 18 days........

Monday, September 1, 2008 at 8:29 PM
1 Sept. 2008

I am leaving on an adventure.  This is the title page of my new hand made sketchbook for this trip.  

I spent the day with my Annie and we did a lesson on color theory.  Go check out her blog 'Annie's Adventures with Nina'

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