
Monday, November 19, 2007 at 9:01 PM
Tricia & Marta

When I met Tricia almost 20 years ago she was my Amy's 3rd grade teacher.  We got to know each other when Amy volunteered me to come into the classroom to teach the kids how to quilt. (yes I am a quilter).  From here our friendship has continued to grow and is one of my most cherished bonds.  She moved away almost 10 years ago and yet, through frequent visits, emails and phone calls we continue very close.  
Tricia is an accomplished artist who has done some beautiful work in watercolour, pastel and ceramics.  But most of all she's there for me when my whims have taken us into quilting, bookbinding, jewelry making,  mud baths and dancing in the forest trailing soap bubbles while waving fairy wands !!!  All of this of course over glasses of vino!
Tricia has set up a new blog: Studio in a Box  It will be fun to see where the journey takes her.  Welcome girlfriend!


  1. Hey, you have me here! Oh, my... the adventures we have had!!!!!!!!!!! I've been writing words on the walls of my new studio for the og... haha, you know! I'm going to step up this adventure and try to celebrate, and renew my authentic self. I appreciate making some connections already thanks to your endorsement!
    Come visit! It's time to break out the materials and fairy wands. Sophia awaits with a glass for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Sharon Says:

    You have the best smile, Marta!

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