Friday, June 29, 2007
10:00 PM
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This little boy came to the hospital today for an echo cardiogram, 3rd try this week. He put up such a fuss and it looked like it wouldn't get done again. The cardiologist was thinking he'd have to schedule him for anesthesia just to do the echo. One of our young nurses, Connie, patiently gained his trust and finally laid in bed with him so the procedure could be done. I watched all of this from my little work area, mesmerized by her calming voice I then turned over my "cheat sheet" (what nurse use to keep track of their patients) and sketched him as he lay nervously on the bed but cooperating with the procedure.
I came home very tired but thought I'd try a watercolor sketch from the quick pen sketch I had done. My proportions are a bit off...he was lying on a couple of pillows...and I made his features a bit too old and harsh....but he was uptight although calm. Colors a bit off too. But what I like is that I think I got a likeness (considering he was about 20 feet from me and I've terrible eyesight) and that I worked aided by the quick sketch but mostly guided by the feeling of the moment. I have discovered something new in this aspect...I painted what I felt and I'm happy.
of course any critics and comments are greatly appreciated!!! Now to bed as I have to get up early to do another 12 hours on Saturday and Sunday!!!
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general sketchbook no.1,
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
9:23 AM
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camera phone photo,
general sketchbook no.1,
Sunday, June 24, 2007
8:45 PM
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El corazón watercolor and inkWent to SanDiego, California this afternoon to join my daughter Amy and friends to see the Bodies Exhibit. What a fascinating display of our bodies from skeletons and bones to views of internal organs, muscles, circulatory and respiratory systems, reproduction and finally the preserved skin off of a full size human.....totally amazing. I would have loved to have spent the whole day there sketching!
El esqueleto watercolor and ink
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general sketchbook no.1,
lanaquarelle cp 140# 8x8"
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plein air,
Saturday, June 23, 2007
11:37 PM
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arches hot press 90# watercolor paper in rebound sketchbook
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general sketchbook no.1,
plein air,
arches cold press 90#, reloaded sketchbook
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general sketchbook no.1,
plein air,
Thursday, June 21, 2007
8:47 PM
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Tonight was the monthly life drawing session at the local art museum. Dianne wasn't able to go with me tonight so I went alone. I left early with many excuses: it's too hot, I wanted to be outside on this first day of summer (sun set at 8:04pm), I didn't click with the model, etc...... The first series of poses I wanted to giggle. He was an older African American and kept holding props like a football and posing kind of silly (at least I thought so). The lighting was poor also and him being so dark...I was having a hard time with values. But, at least I got out to draw!
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figure drawing,
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
8:14 PM
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Thursday, June 14, 2007
12:21 PM
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general sketchbook no.1,
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
7:43 PM
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general sketchbook no.1,
still life,
Sunday, June 10, 2007
8:45 PM
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Saturday, June 9, 2007
5:22 PM
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general sketchbook no.1,
Friday, June 8, 2007
9:11 PM
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camera phone photo,
general sketchbook no.1,
other artist,
Thursday, June 7, 2007
8:25 PM
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Dianne and I each submitted a painting into the Riverside Museum Member's Art Show 2007. This is not a juried show so they couldn't turn us away! The opening reception was this evening and along with our husbands we mingled with other members and artists. We really went for the food but it isn't worth describing. After the gallery visit we walked to the historic Mission Inn and had a nice evening meal at one of the outdoor restaurants, Las Campanas. My margarita was super size I think because I'm still "feeling" the buzz. Well, actually, I'm a bit too buzzed...but I wasn't driving so what the hey!
ps: Dianne's is the cat watercolor
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Wednesday, June 6, 2007
10:32 PM
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I am spending the evening playing around and saw on Flickr that you can upload photos from your camera phone right onto your blog...go figure. So I tried it! I didn't realize my phone (verizon white chocolate) could take decent photos. This is Miss Dottie who posed for me one day.
Tomorrow Dianne and I are going with our husbands to the opening reception at the Riverside Art Museum's Members Art Exhibit where we both submitted paintings. This is not a juried show (they have to hang our paintings because we are members...LOL). If I remember I'll take a couple of pictures while there and send them to this blog.
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camera phone photo
On Saturday evenings I bake bread to take into work on Sunday morning. I have been doing this for almost 2 years now, never missing a work Sunday.
Last Sunday I was taking care of 15 month old Ariella who has been a regular patient on the pediatric oncology ward since she was 4 months old. She is afraid of all of us still and clings to her mother's breast during procedures like drawing blood through her central line or changing her dressing. She won't let anyone of us hold her and cries when we approach.
Well, for some reason this kiddo is beginning to warm up to me. It might be that she's become curious as to why when I am taking her vital signs and listening to her chest I begin to kiss her feet. It stops her crying and now the game for her is to put her feet up to my face for me to kiss them. I tell her I don't kiss all my patient's feet but hers are so sweet and good to gobble on. I am now met with smiles and giggles and wiggly toes!
On Sunday her breakfast tray was removed before she got to it so to make amends I offered her and mamma a slice of my bread with butter and jam. They loved it and mom asked if they could have more. Ariella was jabbering away and pointing to the empty plate. After they were satiated I told mamma that had I known all it took was some of my bread to finish up winning Ariella over to me....I would have offered it months ago!
PS: I have been battling a series of migraines since Friday night. I have a few hours where the pain subsides but then returns. I've not been able to paint and going into work has been a bit more than I can handle as well. But I haven't been able to get Ariella out of my thoughts, her sweet little feet. So this evening during a headache "break" i did this very quick sketch from a book I have of Mary Cassatt: Mother Nursing her Baby c. 1908, Art Institute of Chicago.
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general sketchbook no.1,