I got an email from Ronell this afternoon telling me I should do a mug series. I smiled because I sketched this mug this morning before reading her email.
I remember your smile. I liked it when you would show me new additions to your rock collection. I liked it when you would sit next to me at my desk and we'd watch videos on my ipod. I miss your hugs. I miss you my boy.
How things turn out sometimes

I think last weekend was just full of bad karma. I was feeling a bit sorry for myself...got over that. But things were going awry. Like on Friday night my iphone kept going in and out of service. By Saturday I was on the phone between apple and att. Finally on Sunday Apple concluded it was a problem with the phone. All ended well on Monday when at&t replaced my sim chip and Apple gave me a brand new shinny iphone! Now we are all happy!
I spent a good part of the weekend exploring my new imac and finding it easier than I thought to switch from my pc brain to mac os. Do you think it's that right/left brain thing?
I also picked up the knitting needles which always put me in a meditative mode and began a pair of pretty lilac and pink socks! As I knit I caught up on all Grey's Anatomy episodes and sipped hot tea.
Monday was awfully busy at work but good to be among my little friends again. But I felt so tired by the end of the night......alas....woke up yesterday feeling blah again and found that laying on the couch with a fuzzy blanket was a good place to be.
Today I was supposed to meet up with Deborah at the Bower Museum for some sketching but I woke up feeling achy so I had to bail. I was so disappointed because I was looking forward to meeting her and making a new friend.
Rudy is home today and wanted to go browse at Borders at the Riverside Plaza. He loves to just go browse the shelves as do I. He convinced me it would be just for a little while since I'm not feeling well. We left for a bite to eat at one of the sandwich shops and I saw the giant tree in front of the movie theater was all set up. I thought it would make a fun sketch sometime. We left but as we approached my car he noticed one tire had gone flat. He told me to go back inside the book store and wait while he changed it. Instead I found a bench to sit on even though it was chilly and very windy and quickly did this sketch.
It's turned out to be a nice day even though I didn't get to Orange County. Maybe it is a good thing I didn't take off for the OC because I probably wouldn't have made it with a bad tire. Apparently the nail caused enough damage that it can't be fixed but needs replacing.
PS I spent lots of my time yesterday looking at your blogs. Such great postings going on! I will try to say hello in the next few days.
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fountain pen,
Lipstick on Coffee Mug

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fountain pen,
Close Knit

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fountain pen,
Pop Art in a Photo Booth
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When I met Tricia almost 20 years ago she was my Amy's 3rd grade teacher. We got to know each other when Amy volunteered me to come into the classroom to teach the kids how to quilt. (yes I am a quilter). From here our friendship has continued to grow and is one of my most cherished bonds. She moved away almost 10 years ago and yet, through frequent visits, emails and phone calls we continue very close.
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fountain pen,
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charcoal on plain drawing paper
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figure drawing
1500+ photos
Well, we've been home now for over a week and almost back to normal. I still have over 1500 photos to go through and organize before I subject family and friends to a slide show! We have unpacked but still have odds and ends to take care of. The shelfs in my studio dedicated to my travels now have to make room for a mini statue of David from Florence, the colloseum from Rome and a phone booth from London. I have a bag full of ticket stubs and metro maps to include in a photo album...once I decide on the photos!
Adam and Amy have uploaded their photos to the web.
Adam: http://picasaweb.google.com/adamjgon/SENATVSPOPVLVSQVEROMANVS
and http://picasaweb.google.com/adamjgon/SENATVSPOPVLVSQVEBRITANUS
Amy: http://picasaweb.google.com/aegonzales3108/Europe2007?authkey=q7bjgg_DyEM
but of ALL the photos from the trip this is my favorite!

At the Trevi Fountain in Rome; enjoying gelato and each other!
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Bergamont Park
This is my neighborhood. After traveling thousands of miles from home I realized I'd never done a sketch of the place I call home. I live in the suburbs in Riverside, California, US. about 60 miles (100 kilometers) east of Los Angeles. Our town is a little over 100 years old and was once a big citrus producer. Very few orange groves remain now.
This sketch is from this morning's walk. I had every intention of a nice long walk but instead walked about 5 minutes out my door to the local park I decided that yesterday's winds had given way to a beautiful (smoke free) blue sky and I should capture the scene today. The park, unlike those I saw in europe, is usually void of people in the day time. We are all too busy to just go promanade around this delightful little green square. But late in the afternoon the children come out to play or gather for soccer or ball practice. Some of the teenagers sit on the benches and smoke while other play on the basketball courts. Other people just come by while walking the dog or as part of their exercise routine. I never did finished my walk this morning......
Moleskine, watercolor
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Spinning My Wheels
I noticed Dianne online and gave her a call. She invited me to come along with her and her family to the opening reception of the Visions Art Quilt Exhibit in San Diego where one of her beautiful quilts was juried in. So, I went. I had a great time.! Another of our friends joined us there also. It was a fun evening and I was glad I'd gone along. She's a wonderful artist but more so, a very good friend.
While waiting for her to pick me up I drew these two random sketches in my neglected Moleskine watercolour book and added color to them this evening.....after spending the day cleaning and rearranging the kitchen....oh, and baking 2 loafs of pumpkin bread...the house smells yummy!!!! But no exercising today :(

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Daily Inspirations

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The Marais
One of the special treats in Paris was to enjoy a chocolate chaud (hot chcolate) every evening. The chocolate chaud in Paris has no comparison and Is truely a delicious treat that unfortunately I don't think I could replicate at home.
From the Left Bank along the Seine, Paris
This sketch is from one of the bridges on the way to the Orsay. The view was magnificent, so Paris, with the Louvre on the right bank. It was a bit windy and cold but I felt so happy to be standing there sketching where possibly many others have stood before.

Sante Chapelle, Paris
I arrived home safe although quite tired. Our trip was a dream and will live on in our memories for many years to come. It will be recalled many times again when looking through photo albums (yet to be created) and my travel sketchbook (work in progress).
Today I woke at 4am with a desire to return to the sketches I did while traveling to begin to 'touch them up' a bit. This one is from October 31st. Rudy and I were excited to see the sun shinning so pretty and bright that we made it our day to explore Paris. We left the apartment and instead of passing in front of Notre Dame (which was our usual route to the left bank) we passed the flower and bird market, the Palace of Justice and 'The Jewel Box'...Sante Chapelle. I convinced Rudy it would be a real treat to go inside on this sunny day. My first visit to the chapel a few years ago was on a cloudy and rainy day. Although lovely, the stained glass didn't have the same effect as when the light is brightly shinning through the windows.
This chapel built by one of the king Louis was built to house the treasure of treasures: the Crown of Thorns. I don't think it's here or if it ever was or where it is now...but none of that really matters....it's the feeling of being inside a jewel box that is magical!
time to go home
sun didn't come out today, sad too that I am leaving.
At Place des Vosges the pigons flew in to remind me
that tomorrow I too will take flight. The leaves
fluttered about me as I imagined they were waving
adieu. Despite venturing out the door well bundled
up, the brisk air kissed my cheeks like all Parisians
greet and say goodbye. And last of all, as Rudy and I
were enjoying crepes at an outdoor creperie a little
girl waiting with her mother put both her tiny folded
hands on our table and gazed at me and my crepe. I
said "bonjour" and then told her the crepes were good
and what was her name? Eva. After a veey brief
conversation with her and her mpther they bid us a bon
voyage. I imidiately thought of the children waiting
for me back at work and realized, i am ready tp go.
we leave tomorrow, Friday arriving late in the evening
local LA time.
mARTa's Art
How to keep me happy...could take a lifetime to learn....and still be worth it.
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