YES....Paris is for lovers..... And that is all I have to say for today!
almost over
morning. Part of me is ready to to home, another part
of me could just stay here. Those of you who have
kept up with my travels via my blog. I hope you enjoyed the
sketches, photos and stories. It was fun for me to
take all of you along! Now, put to do Paris some more!
mARTa's Art
How to keep me happy...could take a lifetime to learn....and still be worth it.
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Roses for Marta
Paris has brought out the romantic side of Rudy. While I spent the day with Casey and Ronell he braved the metro going to the Champ D'Ellysais and Arc de Triomph, climbing to the top for a view of the city.
On his way back to the apt. on rue Aubriot he stopped for these roses for me.
Casey, Dead Guy and Ronell
I normally do not sketch from a photo but this was fun to do!
Sketching with Casey and Ronell
at the Luxembourg Gardens in Paris.
Meeting of bloging friends
After exchanging of greetings and coffee we ventured put for the day. Finally, these ladies brought glorius sunshine with them!
First a nice walk to the Sennalier art store where I wowed a real french painter's smock but didn't buy of course.
Next lots of window shopping while in search of the perfect place to have lunch....and we found it! My favorite: the raspberry and beets over soft ricotta cheese... Magnifique!
Now, with bellya full and happy hearts we wandered over to the Luxembourg Gardens to sit and sketch. I had casey in front of me so she made it into today's sketch.
It began to sprinkle a bit and then really poured for a few minutes. So we wandered some more.
By now I was thinking they had conspired to take me on a death march.
We happened into the Montparnasse cemetarie and went in search of Jim Morrison's grave. I got back to the apt. and looked it up (we had'nt found it) only to see he is at Cimetiere du Pere Lachaise. LOL
Another art store' then a stop for hot chcolate and more conversation. Casey continued to sketch.
We walked back to the metro/train station, hugged goodbye and went our separate way.
Ronelle and Casey,
Thank you again for coming to spend the day with me. You were just as I imagined and only wish you lived around the corner! I had the best adventure today and really loved our jaunt through the cemetery. I only hope someday to reciprocate. Again, merci beaucoup!
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7 random things
1. I can fly. At night I have wonderful 'flying adventures' I am not sure if they are just dreams.
2. I got a tatoo on my 43rd birthday and Rudy didn't speak to me for 3 days.
3. On rare occasions i like smoking a good cigar.
4. I eat artichokes for their orgasmic effect.
5. Red is my favorite color; it is the color of love, blood and juicy pomogranites.
6. I love shoes and purses and thought myself a queen buying expensive crushed patent leather pumps in Rome and matching handbag in Florence.
7. I am a techie addict; to the Internet, my iPhone and anything else that is new and makes my life easier.
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Fwd: Je t'ame
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Amy Gonzales" <>
Date: October 29, 2007 15:51:26 GMT+01:00
To: "Marta Gonzales" <>
Subject: Re: Je t'ame
Bonjour Mom and Papa!
I just wanted to take the time out to thank you both for this amazing experience. Even though sometimes we all had our "moments," this will be a memory that will undoubetdly last forever (who's going to forget Loch Ness in London!). You should check your watches (mom, hope you found yours) because I think there was some kind of time change in Europe recently (my wrist watch was off but thankfully the iPhone kept "real" time). Charles de Gaulle is crazy, they have this self check in line but mine didn't work so I had to go see the ticket counter person. On the plane ride there, I almost had my own window and aisle duo until some people got on the plane last minute. I ended up sitting next to a French lady who probably knew about 4 words but tried to communicate with me nonetheless! Luckily for her, I knew the word "pomme" so I was able to help her get some apple juice from the English speaking attendants. When we landed, the crazy French people all threw
their pillows up in the air in delight. Weirdos. Then the line for customs in Dallas was sort of long but I talked to a nice old Brazilian dude who was a chemical engineer. I even forgot how to speak English though, I was messing up all kinds of words! Seth picked me up on time. My house was ok. Car a little slow to start but you'd be too if you had a 3 week nap. As much fun as it all was, I thoroughly enjoyed taking a shower in MY shower this morning.
Thanks again. I miss you guys already but now as dad would say, you have the "boudoir." Oh, one more thing, they confiscated the olive oil. When I went through security it showed up as a potato on the x-ray machine. They kept asking me where the potato was. LOL. So stowe it if you want to bring it back.
Love to you both, Amy
On 10/29/07, Marta Gonzales <> wrote:
Miss you and hope you made it back safe.
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"Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination." - Oscar Wilde.
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Who is more beautiful?
what to do on a rainy day in Paris? Go back to bed, make more love and then layzily venture out with umbrellas in hand to a visit to the Lovre. I have never seen it so crowded and was happy we could bypass the long lines with our Paris museum pass. Rudy enjoyed the visit and I was happy that my first visit years ago was much less crowded. Back then I had even gotten a few minutes alone with the Monalisa. Resting up a bit in the apt. Before going out again later. I still have a sketch to do for today.
A day in Paris
what a glorius day! Today after Amy left us very early this morning, we went back to bed. We made love, then he made me a wonderful breakfast with mimosas. Then we showered and headed put the door. Nearby is the Picasso museum with a specal cubisim exhbit which was great. The most impessive to me were his sketchbooks. From there a metro ride to les invalides so rudy could see the gold dome in the hour of so we had of sunshine today. Next a 'death march' over the pont alexander then a walk to place de la concord, into the Tuilaeies gardens tp the Orangie museum tp gaze upon Monet'a water lilies in a circular rpom. From there we stopped for some lunch galletes (crepes) and wine. Next o tppk him to see the entrace tp the Lovre and he saod " i really like Paris" i think he understood wjy this is my most favorite city in the world! We got pn the metro, stopped at the market and are restong a bit before venturing out again. Bon soir mes amies.
Keeping warm
the joke in our family for this trip is that I have been taking Rudy on 'death marches' every day. We walk and walk and walk some more! Today I sided with them that it was just too cold so we only walked a small portion of the gardens at Versailles. But tomorrow I will plan another death march for us.
Hall of mirrors
I can only imagine that if the sun would have been shining the hall of mirrors would have been brilliant. That beautiful raspberry colored sweater I purchased yesterday because I needed warmth! It's cashmere and so soft. I will be wearing it the rest of the week!
Palace of Versailles
Although still very cold Paris we took the R E R train to Versailles this morning. We had a great last day with Amy who goes home tomorrow. She took us out to dinner this evening and already I know I am going to miss her.
Bowl of fruit
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Someone is making dinner
He's got laundry going and potatoes a boiling. I love this man!
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pastry, grocery and most important.........the wine
shop. We have had the best indoor picnic! And the
wine has warmed us up as well.
this morning we went to Notre Dame which always amazes
me. The flying buttess' and gargoyles and Quazimoto
ringing the bells. On I love Paris!
mARTa's Art
How to keep me happy...could take a lifetime to learn....and still be worth it.
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Notre Dame
Too cold to sketch out this morning. Maybe later ;)
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Fwd: Miss Amy
Begin forwarded message:
From: Marta Gonzales <>
Date: October 25, 2007 21:06:44 GMT+02:00
To: Flickr <>
Subject: Miss Amy
She bought some cure things in Barcelona including this cap. On the flight to Paris she worked on the daily crossword, Rudy read the paper and I sketched her since she couldn't move much. We have kept informed about the fires back home and have our friends and families in our hearts. Rudy knows he'd be helping fight them if he was home. I too might have been called to extra shifts. Amy's home in San diego is near the beach so it is safe but the air quality is said to be very bad. At her job they have canceled work for the week. We are enjoying our trip but our thoughts with home.
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Marta c'est arrive a Paris!
Our apt is very tiny and reminds me of "the casita" our little trailer back home. But we are in a great area with everything close by.
I am most pleased to have wifi in the apt too! So I can continue to post photos, sketches and blogs.
Going to take a hot shower, maybe paint today's sketch and go to bed.
Bon nuit....
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Half pans
Found a little art store on stroll through Barrio Gotic. I got 3 new colors! Can't wait to go play with casey and ronelle next week. See ya there!
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Me sketching between gulps of sangria
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Last day in Barcelona
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Wi fi
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Work in process, roman forum
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Robyn and me in Florence
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How amy and rudy spend evenings
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Ciao Italia
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Afternoon with Robyn
I met up with Robyn at noon and then spent the rest of the afternoon with her talking, eating and enjoying Florence. She took me to her favorite piazza where the Hospedale dei Inocenti ..the orphanage built by Brunelleschi is and we went inside to the small museum. I could almost hear the children's voices echoing from the past. It is truely a priveldge to be able to see some of these places and try to imagine what life was like back then.
We enjoyed much conversation, sharing of wonderful to get to touch a Robyn masterpiece!!! We had a whole bottle of vino and shared a tiramisu for dessert. High on the list was a trip to an art store but when we got there we were told it was closed till Monday...I guess I will have to return someday.
To lessen my dissappointment she took me to a fine little shop with leather bound books and journals. It was a mistake to take me there just to look. I found a beautiful leather bound book that had a journal slipped into it with fine paper. After I am done using it as a sketch book I will bind a new watercolor book to slip into it....It will last me another 50 years I am sure.
I also found a beautiful purse to go with my new shoes......and a trip to the ancient pharmacy at St. M. Novella was a treat as well, smelled old, and aromatic and I could visualize several hundred years back people in long robes and candlelit rooms...and concoctions being prepared...I bought a pomagranate soap and souvonir soap dish.
Alas I walked her back to the train station and I lost my way back to the B&B but found an interesting way back which provided me with a wonderful view of the ponte vecchio so I stopped and sketched I did get some sketching in today.
I want to thank Robyn for her trek into Florence today on this blustry autum day, for the wonderful lunch and vino, but most of all for a memory I will treasure forever. She took some photos as did I but her's will probably be posted before I can get mine up...still no wifi connection for my iphone......Robyn, mile grazie per tutto!!!
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eating and such
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baby it's cold outside! Well, I knew it would happen...we would all get museumed after doing the uffizi gallery yesterday we decided that today's early visit to the Academia would be just to gaze upon David. So we got up very early as our reservations were for 8:30am and got right in. Amy needed to use the WC aka:water closet so we veered into another!!!!! There he was...without a single tourist in site ..except I sat, admired and did a very poor sketch of David...soon Amy was back, the tour groups and guides were amassed at his feet and I SECRETLY smiled that he'd been all mine just a little bit ago. Satisfied we left the Academia and headed in search for something resembling a real american breakfast...we got close, omlettes, pasteries and cappucinos.
heading back to the B&B for a bit and then I'm running back out to meet my friend Robyn for the afternoon. I have done some nice sketches but have no wireless connection that i have found so can't post any photos...maybe later in the trip.
heard from adam just a few minutes ago...he got home to riverside less thing to worry about...ciao from florence....marta
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Arriverdeci Roma
I want to head over to the Capotoline Museums today and one last look at the forum and colosseum and hope to get one more sketch in before we dress up for an evening out to dinner as our last night together. Adam leaves for home tomorrow and amy, rudy and I take the train to Florence for a few days.....hope to be able to keep up the blog from there. On Saturday I am meeting my friend Robyn in Florence for lunch, sketching and plain ol' girlfriend time!!! see you there Robyn! marta
Vatican Museum and St. Peter's
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La Dolce Vita
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The tower
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Today we got up early, had a good breakfast and set out for sightseeing. We were still tired as with the time change it has been difficult for all of us to get back in sync with our internal body clocks. After breakfast onto Victoria Station to buy 3 day travel cards and take the LONDON TUBE to The Tower of London where we were facinated by so much history. I especially liked the suits of armour and took some good photos.
Then a ride on the Thames from The Tower Bridge to Westminster where we spotted Big Ben, The Houses of Parliment and went into Westminster Abby. We then walked to Trafalger Square passing no. 10 Downing Street and sat ourselves down for a nice lunch at the National Gallery's cafe. We were sleepy that we will leave the tour of the National Gallery for another day.......back to the B&B and we all took long naps....Adam is still asleep...we left him a not:)
gotta run......ciao...untill next time I check in!
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Yeah! I found internet access........yippy! ok, but I have to be quick.....We arrived safely though a bit late with no time to rest. We were hungry and so tired. We wandered a short way and found the Traveler's Tavern where Adam and Amy ordered 4 pints and some fish and chips. I normally don't like beer but it was good......London..we are here.
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Puddle jumper
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At San diego airport
Going to spend time sketching while waiting for the plane. We are on our way!
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Europe Adventure 2007

Hello everyone!
Tomorrow Rudy, Adam, Amy and I take off for a trip to Europe. Adam is joining us for the first 9 days to London and Rome, Amy continues on with us through Florence, Barcelona and Paris and flies home 6 days before Rudy and I come back around November 2nd.
I am hoping to update my art blog mARTa's art as we travel from city to city with stories and hopefully some sketches or photos of where we are. If you'd like to follow along check the blog every few days... or not...I won't be offended if you just delete my emails!
I've already posted some sketches of our trip preparations and looks like we are all set to go. I have caught a cold and am taking my airborn and drinking lots of fluids. Hopefully it will pass soon.
This week we arrive in London on Wednesday around 3pm local time. Just in time to get settled in and take ourselves out for a bite to eat and check out our surroundings. We are staying at the Elizabeth B&B near Victoria station, a good starting off point for much of our sight seeing.
Wish us a good flight and good health and I'll check in again soon!

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One more day.....
This sketch I added to my travel journal while at quilt camp. I'm hoping I get lots of opportunities to sketch on this trip. If not, I'll hopefully have lots of reference photos!!! Oh, by the way, the new me has a cute short haircut and a bit more blond.....ciao!

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Quilt Camp
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San Diego in the morning
I'm in SD for the weekend with girlfriends. I'm up early wandering through Old Town in search for coffee.
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